35+ Cringey Posts That Made Us Feel Uncomfortable

If you’ve ever surfed the internet, you know folks love to spill the beans and share everything. We mean every small secret, the raw feelings without any filter—it’s all out there. You can find plenty of embarrassing posts online that might make you cringe. But it takes content that is extraordinarily unique to really send shivers down your spine.

Images via Imgur

From uncomfortable comments on Facebook to awkward swipes left on dating apps, we have gathered the cream of the crop of cringe-inducing social media posts. You’re going to be blown away that people have actually published these things online!

Cars on the Table

Normally, when we’re talking about cars, a dealership is the way to go for a fair deal. However, finding out that the dealer has tricked you is something you’d definitely prefer not to realize directly. This sneaky revelation is better discovered indirectly, lessening the initial shock perhaps.

Cars on the Table

We’re pretty sure Rob is just about ready to toss his cell phone right into the sea. The only thing that might make this situation a little better is if, hopefully, the unsuspecting recipient of this uncomfortably awkward string of texts got something worthwhile from it.

Bet on It

Dating sure has a lot of rules. There’s always a question about the right things to say, and the proper time to wait before you send a text back. These days, there’s even a big discussion going on regarding if it’s acceptable or not to simply vanish on someone, a phenomenon known as ghosting.

Bet on It

It’s got to be disappointing to be told by someone you went on a date with that they just weren’t feeling it. However, in this scenario, the individual on the receiving end should consider themselves lucky. Can you imagine the whirlwind of madness they might be in if the other person did feel a spark? Just consider the kind of wild vibes they might experience if a connection was actually established!

Four Birds, One Stone

For some folks, dating is all about going steady with one person, while for some others, it’s about meeting and having fun with multiple people at the same time. In case you find yourself needing to split from four different men simultaneously, here’s the perfect example of how you would not want to handle it.

Four Birds, One Stone

Have we not grasped the dangers of unintentionally starting a group text yet? At least the person who sent this icy message got put in their place for it.

Not a Face Swap

The grip that Snapchat filters took on everyone around the world is truly a phenomenon worth investigating. People of all ages were participating in this craze, amusing themselves by being given cartoon cat ears or hilariously trading faces with their moms and dads. The attraction was universal and potent, regardless of the generational gap.

Not a Face Swap

We were caught off guard to witness such a fierce accidental insult from none other than the Washington Capitals. Surprisingly, she handled it pretty well, despite the blunder being unbearably embarrassing.