Mission Impossible Kitty
Have you ever found yourself so tired that you fall asleep in the weirdest possible position? This kitty did, and if this picture is anything to go by, we think it’s safe to say that it had a very good nap indeed!
When the fatigue sets in, it is hard to fight it, which is probably what this poor kitty thought as it made itself quite comfortable between the couch and an end table. Kudos to the kitty for not falling through the cracks, so to speak.
Home Alone Shenanigans
Do you remember the tricks you used to get up to when you were home alone as a child? Whether it was watching something you weren’t supposed to or digging into the hidden snacks, we all did something we probably shouldn’t have.
And, in the case of this sweet kitty, they chose to take a nap in a rather surprising place while his owners were out for the day. What’s the weirdest place you’ve caught your cat taking a nap? Does it trump this one?
A Nice Soft (Flower) Bed
This next kitty mistook their new snack box as a bed as they made their sleep spot in a freshly planted box of oat grass! It was meant for a tasty treat and not a place for them to lay their head down for a nap.
But, we can’t really blame the cat, as we, too, would love to take a nap on that soft grass in the warm window box of this home. Maybe next time, the owners should plant their oat grass in smaller containers. Or, better yet, outside.
Not a Cup Holder
Modern cars have a number of nifty little gadgets to make your life easier, don’t they? Sure, older cars had their uses, but did they have cup holders big enough to hold a kitten? No, Sir, they didn’t!
Who would have thought that a cup holder could be such a nifty little kitten holder when the need arises? Guess we have technology to thank for this sweet kitty’s sleeping spot. Because we love it, and you can rest assured that we will be trying this one out for ourselves.
Twinning Is Winning!
It’s the sweetest thing when your pets climb into bed with you for a snuggle, right? And while we’re sure that your own pets are pretty cute, are they as cute as this cat who is sleeping in the exact same position as their owner?
This is one pampered pet who clearly has no problem making the bed their own as they stole the husband’s spot and then proceeded to copy the wife’s sleep position. Oh, the audacity of this sweet and comfy kitty.
Bed of Roses… errrr… Cactuses!
One of the more common places for cats to fall asleep is in plant pots, beds, and other soft areas that make for really good sleeping spots. But never, and we mean never, have we seen something like this next picture before!
We present to you a cat sleeping in a pile of cactuses! And no, your eyes are not deceiving you — that is a 100% real cat sleeping on a 100% real cactus! The only thing we want to know is how the kitty has avoided being poked by any of the spikes!
You Can’t See Me!
Is this kitten trying to camouflage itself against this beige wall? Or was it playing and simply got too tired to carry on, and just went to sleep instead? Guess we’ll never know. But, we’re so glad it did and that there is a photo to prove it.
We would love to know what Fluffy might have been up to that made them so tired. And without any context, it could be anyone’s guess at this stage. But let’s use our imagination and come up with our own stories, shall we?
Gray Goofiness
This gray kitty takes the cake when it comes to sleeping in a weird position! And while he or she was provided with a perfect little kitty condo to call home, they clearly prefer sleeping with their head outside of the condo instead.
We wonder what sparked this weird sleeping position. The heat, maybe? Or does this kitty have a case of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and really just wants to be a part of the action that goes on in the house?
A New Type of Flower
Would you just stop and take a look at this new type of flower growing in this person’s flower pot? Oh, wait. Our mistake. It’s not a flower at all, but rather a beautiful sleeping ginger cat. Silly us!
Just like many other cats on this list, this kitty, too, decided that they wanted a comfy spot to lay down their weary head and catch a “catnap.” It just so happens that it had to be in their owner’s flower pot, and the flowers probably squashed too.
Three’s a Crowd
We just love the way that animal siblings tend to cuddle up close to each other when it’s time to sleep – regardless of how old or big they are. And this has to be one of the best pictures on our list of the funniest cats sleeping in weird positions.
Pictured here is not one, not two, but three precious cats that clearly still love a good cuddle with each other at naptime. And the fact that they are striking the cutest poses is, well, just the icing on the cake for us!
Space Cat
We had to take a closer look actually to see the cat in this picture. And, boy, are we glad we did because the sight of this sweet little face hiding inside this person’s helmet is enough to make our hearts melt!
According to the original poster, this sweet little black cat likes taking her afternoon or evening snooze in her owner’s boyfriend’s helmet every single time he comes around for a visit. All we can say is, “Sleep tight, little kitty!’
Sleeping Like the Dead
This next cat takes the phrase “sleeping like the dead” to the next level. According to her owner, there is very little that can disturb her while she sleeps, and that seems to be clear if the position she is in is anything to go by.
Don’t you wish that you, too, could sleep like that, even just for one night? We sure do! But, at some point, that kitty is going to fall on her head if she is not careful. We wonder if that will do the trick and wake her up.
Kitty, Are You Okay?
Imagine being sent this by your mother when you ask how your cat is doing when you’re not home. Don’t know about you, but we would wonder if our cat was really and truly okay if we had to see them doing this!
This looks rather uncomfortable, doesn’t it? Just look at how this cat is sleeping! It seems to be standing up and face-planting the cat tree. But yet it stays asleep! This is a puzzling one, indeed, but cute nonetheless.
Superman, Is That You?
Have you ever come across those kinds of photos where moms put their babies in funny poses so it looks like they are superheroes or flying or are mimicking Renaissance artwork? Well, this mom did that, too, except she has a different kind of baby altogether.
Introducing SuperCat — everyone’s favorite superhero. Well, that’s what it looks like to us, anyway. Others, however, have compared this picture of a sleeping kitty to Michaelangelo’s “The Creation of Adam.” What do you think?
A Fluffy Face Mask
We’ve seen quite a few cats sleeping on their own by now, so this picture is a bit different as it shows a beautiful white cat lounging on its owner’s chest as it sleeps. But something is missing. And we are going to tell you what it is.
Personal space! That’s what is missing! This poor cat owner is having to sleep with his cat practically on his face. We can’t imagine how comfortable that would be, but let’s be honest, we probably wouldn’t mind it either.
Waiting for Dinnertime
This poor cat owner was just trying to do the right thing by putting a timer on his cat’s food dispenser. And, if his chubby cat is anything to go by, we feel that he made the right decision after all.
What he didn’t bargain on is that his cat would wait for his food and get so bored or tired doing so that he would fall asleep on the bowl itself. This is a perfectly timed photo if we do say so ourselves. Absolutely brilliant!
If it Fits, I Sits
Isn’t it funny how cats will try and squish themselves into the smallest spaces, even when you know for a fact that they won’t fit in there? This cat was not letting his size get in the way of his nap, especially when there was a toasty fire waiting to warm him.
Do you have any funny stories of your cat weaseling their way into small boxes or even shopping bags? And if you have, why have you not shared them? Who knows, your photo could appear in our next list of the funniest cats.
Where’s Waldo?
To be honest, we’re not too sure what is happening in this picture. Is the cat too big for its bed, or is it just more comfortable with the lower half of its body sticking out like that? Sigh. If only we spoke “cat.”
Just like the previous cat on our list, this cat, too, has tried to worm its way into a rather small hole for a nap. And the result? A photo that his owner has proudly shared with the internet for the world to see.
When You Love the Wall
Cats love boxes, cat trees, laps, and now walls, as this photo shows this cat pressed up against the wall behind the TV cabinet, having a fat snooze. And, if we didn’t know better, we would think that his owners probably didn’t know he was there either.
What is it about cats and choosing these insanely weird hiding spots? Can they not just be like dogs and sleep in their beds or on a pillow on the floor? Well, of course not. They are far too majestic for that.
Spot the Kitty
Cats have a tendency to hide a lot, especially when they have their nap, which makes this picture even more incredible. At first glance, you might just notice the two ceramic statues holding each other in an embrace.
But look closer, and you are in for a surprise when you notice that there is a cat sleeping in the arms of one of the statues. Let’s say it all together now, “Aaaawwww.” Have you ever seen anything cuter?
Gotta Have Your Greens
Ha! You thought you could enjoy your lunch in peace? Guess again because your cat has its own ideas and probably thinks that your lunch consisting of a salad is a soft, cushy bed for it to sleep on. Poor human.
Sure, we all know that cats love sleeping in containers or pot plants, but have you ever seen this crazy combination of weird places that cats sleep in? We certainly haven’t, which makes this picture the perfect addition to our list.
Scaredy Cat
Picture this: You slowly creep up on your cat to take a photo of them sleeping sweetly on your bedside cabinet. You think you’re being stealthy. And just as you are about to click that button, you wake your cat instead!
This is just what happened to this poor kitty. But, we must say that the results are rather hilarious as the owner managed to capture the look of pure fear and shock on the poor kitty’s face when they did so.
Sleep When the Baby Sleeps
Isn’t it just the cutest thing when your cat snuggles up to you when you are taking a nap? Sure, it might not be cute for everyone, but for cat lovers, this is the best feeling in the world.
And that’s just what this cat owner thought when he took this photo of his fiance’ and his cat sleeping together on the couch. But let’s not forget to mention the best part – the fact that they are both sleeping with their mouths open.
How Do They Sleep Like That?
We have one question for this cat: How the heck do you sleep like that and not have a sore neck the next day? Do cats suffer from sore necks? Or is this just a human thing? We’ll definitely have to do some more research on the subject.
Whatever the answer, we wouldn’t want to bother this sweet kitty from their slumber either, and would rather just do as the original poster did and take a photo and walk away. Who are we to ruin their nap?
Where’s the Cat?
Have you ever spent hours frantically searching for your cat, only to find that they have hidden away pretty much in plain sight to take a nap? It’s a cat owner’s worst nightmare. And the relief must be incredible!
This is just what this kitty did when they decided to hide away behind the pillows on their owners’ bed for a nap one afternoon. While we aren’t sure how long the search was, we do know that it must have taken a while to find them.
Oh, Kitty!
Imagine finding your foster kitten taking a snooze in one of your shoes! It’s enough to melt even the most manly people out there. This was what one cat foster mom came across while walking around her home one afternoon.
We don’t know much more about the cat, unfortunately, but we can safely say that if this had happened to us, we would be dealing with a failed foster and would be adopting this sweet little cat in a heartbeat.
In the Laundry!
This has to be the most obscure place we have seen a cat take a nap. No, your eyes are not deceiving you – you really are seeing a cat lying in a washing machine surrounded by items of clothing that were clearly put in there for a wash.
We hope that the owner is used to checking their washing machine before they push that start button because this seemingly innocent napping spot could have some serious consequences if they don’t.
Forget that silly old Jack-in-the-box when you can have your very own cat-in-the-box! All you need is a cute little cat, a box of any shape and size, and a camera on hand to capture sweet moments like these.
Cats really are strange little creatures, and we are grateful that they are because they make compiling lists like this (of the funniest cats sleeping in weird positions) possible. What would we do without them?
Over the Shoulder Feline Holder
Erm, excuse us, Kitty, but we don’t think that belongs to you! Can you imagine coming home to the sight of a cat asleep in your or someone else’s bra? We certainly couldn’t, but we are here for it!
And yes, this actually happened. The original poster came home, looked for their cat, and found it asleep in their roommate’s bra. Talk about a weird sleeping spot, right? A bra, of all things. What’s next – cats sleeping in jeans or dresses?
Those Meow-nday Blues
Admit it – you have felt like this poor cat at one stage or another. But we have a secret to share with you – this cat is not moaning about a bad day. They are actually sleeping! Can you believe it?
We must say that this makes a pretty good poster for those who have the Monday blues, but we can’t help but focus on the fluffy belly and the tiny teeth sticking out. This picture deserves a spot in a frame on their owners’ nightstand.
Peek-A-Boo Kitty
A lot of people think that cats and dogs have somewhat of a love-hate relationship. And they’re not wrong if you think of how the relationship between cats and dogs is portrayed in movies and children’s shows.
But this picture here is one that is sure to change that perception, especially when you take a closer look and realize that there is a cat hiding between this dog’s fur and legs. Isn’t this just the sweetest thing you have seen today?
The Need for Space
Why is it that cats seem to focus on lying in one specific spot – probably uncomfortably at that – when there is a ton of space around them? Just look at this cat. All the space in the world, and she chooses to be squished against the side of her cat basket.
Silly kitty. But, if it weren’t for her quirks, we would have no content for our list of the funniest cats sleeping in weird positions. Thank you, sweet kitty. Stay as weird as you are, and keep making your owners (and the internet) smile.
Always Check Your Shoes
If you live in a country like Australia, chances are pretty good that you check your shoes for snakes and spiders before you slip your feet into them. But what about cats? Ever found a cat in your shoe?
Once again, we are blessed with an oh-so-cute snap of a cat sleeping inside a shoe, and this one definitely deserves a prize for being the cutest. Cat owners, always check your shoes! You never know what may be hiding in them.
The Couch is Mine
Summer has a tendency to make everyone hot and bothered. And this cat seems to be one of those who is bothered by the heat as they stretch themselves out along the couch to try and keep cool.
Sure, they could have chosen another spot and not taken up the whole couch, but that just wouldn’t be fun now, would it? Nope. This kitty has chosen this spot, and beware of anyone who tries to move them.
Cats and Blinds
What is it with blinds that always draws cats to them? Is it their shape? The material they’re made out of? Or is it just built into the cat’s psyche to play with the blinds in their owner’s house?
We don’t have the answers to any of these questions, but what we do have is a cute picture that will make you realize that maybe, just maybe, they are also just looking for a cool place to hang out and think about life for a while.
Barbecue Dreams
Oh boy. This next picture is probably one of the cutest ones on this list and shows a sweet ginger kitten fast asleep in their owners’ barbecue cover. You know, that plastic dust cover that keeps your barbecue clean?
How it came to find this spot is a mystery, but we are sure that we can confidently say that this kitten is having the best nap of its life in this cool spot. We’re actually a bit jealous. Are you?
Soaking Up the Sun
If you know anything about cats, you will know that one of their favorite activities is to soak up the sun on the window ledge, couch, or anywhere that gets sun in your home. And boy, does it look like a fun thing to do.
Rather than just position herself in a way that she will feel the sun on her neck, this cat has fallen asleep in a sitting position with her head stretched all the way back so that the warmth hits her whole chest and stomach. Ah, to be a cat.
Kitty Poses
We think it’s pretty appropriate to say that we will never ever understand cats and why they do what they do. Take this picture of this big and fluffy black and white cat, for example. It could be sitting absolutely anywhere, right?
Right. But, instead, it chooses to sit on this step, its body at an angle to prevent it from slipping and falling down the stairs. Why not just move, kitty? It really is that simple. Oh, well. Guess we’ll just have to let it be.
Trashcan Kitty
Cats will sleep just about anywhere – and we dare you to challenge our statement once you get a load of this next cat on our list of the funniest cats sleeping in weird positions because this cat — ladies and gentlemen — is sleeping in a trash can!
While we can understand that it is probably nice and cool in there, we do hope that the owner uses it only for discarded paper and other office-type waste and not leftover food or tissues with boogers in them.
Decorum, Always
While we have seen many cats lying on their backs with their legs open in this list, this has to be the first time we’ve seen a cat that’s covering its own private bits with its tail. Cats don’t care about how they lie, but this one does!
Clearly, she’s a lady who is only trying her best to catch a nap in a comfortable position while still covering her lady bits. However, we can’t think why she would feel the need to. Oh, well, you just keep doing you, kitty.
Cat or Human?
Is this a cat? Or is it really a tiny human man wearing a catsuit who has fallen asleep on the couch watching the game? We were hoping the size would give it away, but we’re not all that sure, to be honest.
Isn’t it strange how cats sometimes take on the traits of their human owners and mimic their poses? Don’t know about your cats, but this one definitely thinks they are the boss when you look at the position they’re in.
Puss in Boots
Country music stars, beware: there is a cat on the loose that WILL find you and make their bed in your cowboy boots! But, can you blame them though? Who wouldn’t want a comfy, warm spot to sleep in?
We just hope that the owner of these boots doesn’t have smelly feet because otherwise, that kitty is going to come out of there smelling of more than just fresh leather and a bit of leather conditioner or shoe polish.
Shared Nap Time
It is incredibly hard not to look at this photo and immediately want a cat, right? We mean, look at it! Just look at this snuggly fat cat snuggled up to his human’s head while they both take a nap!
It’s enough to make us want to run down to the pound or our local cattery and take a cat home for snuggles, right? Come on, you know you want to! So do it! Get yourself a fluffy cuddle buddy today!
Stretch and Sleep
Have you ever watched your own cat fall asleep stretching? Well, if you haven’t, you can now say that you have, as this is exactly what happened to this cat as they were taking a nap on their favorite chair in the living room.
The kitty clearly had a good stretch — and that’s as far as it went as it quickly fell asleep again, giving its owner the perfect photo opportunity. This is definitely one for the family photo album… if we do say so ourselves.
When Even a Chair Will Do
The last cat on our list is quite possibly the weirdest one we have shown you yet, and it’s not hard to see why when you look at him sleeping on his rock-hard tiny chair. Are you okay, Kitty? Because that doesn’t look comfortable at all!
But, as we know by now, cats will sleep just about anywhere. And this photo is proof of that statement. He could have chosen anywhere in the house to sleep. But this is where he wants to be. Sleep tight, Kitty.
45 Puppies That Fell Asleep in the Funniest Places
A Nap With a Snack
Nobody can argue with the fact that a post-meal nap hits hard. After ensuring that you have a belly full of food, the best thing to do is to curl up on the couch and doze off.
This little puppy didn’t just curl up for a post-lunch nap, but he did it right in his food bowl! Either he ate just too many of those kibbles or it’s a new way of keeping the food safe.
Right at the Door
Well, one thing is for sure. Puppies are very creative, especially when it comes to places they can nap in. Just look at this dog, who has decided that a car door’s handle is the perfect place to catch a few ZZZs.
It’s safe to say that nobody has thought of this amazing sleep positing in cars before this. Kudos to this pup for taking the car nap to end all car naps.
The Fantastic Four
A family that loves to do things together stays together. Like when they all wear matching sweaters for the Christmas photo, cuddle up on the couch to watch a movie, or play a board game with the whole family. But, there’s always that one odd member that likes to do things a little differently.
In this merry band of four canine siblings, three are sleeping on their bellies, while one is completely defying the rules and sleeping on his back. This little puppy has clearly taken his first steps (or snoozes) to rebellion.
No Exercise Please
This little puppy had the right idea for the best way to pass out quickly. Just smell your shoe post-run, and you’ll be out like a light in no time.
However, we worry about this little boy’s nose. Even if he did fall asleep in his owner’s shoe by accident, he probably can’t smell the best thing in there. Maybe some fresh flowers are needed in order to save him.
Way Down We Go
This puppy actually found a pretty decent, albeit hard surface to take a nap on. It’s secluded, it’s covered, and it’s spacious. But, he didn’t count for his lack of keeping still while sleeping.
It looks like he rolled right out of the lower level of the table and onto the floor mid-nap. Thankfully, his makeshift bed wasn’t high enough for him to be hurt.
Playing Possum
There’s certain rigidity to this puppy’s sleeping style. With hands at his side and his back all stiff, he looks like he’s playing possum to give his owners a definite scare.
He could also be just having a horizontal relaxation and meditation session after a rigorous exercise. At least he has a comfortable enough surface below him to give him some much-needed gentleness.
Just for a Minute
We’ve all had those moments in between our exercise routine where all we want is to lay down our heads right where we are and just give up on working out.
This puppy took it one step forward and took a power nap right in the middle of his walk, on the walking track itself. Now, this is what we call some serious dedication to lazing around.
A Yogi in the Making
Who said that only humans have the right to do some yoga to keep their mind and body flexible? It seems that even puppies want to get in on that action now.
This one is indulging in a classic pose in which you put your legs up. This allows the body to relax and lose tension. Hopefully, this little puppy also found some much-needed relaxation after this sleep yoga session.
Sleeping Beauty
The best time to play with a baby is when they’re young, adorable, and cushiony. Their chubbiness makes them an amazing playmate, and an adorable cuddle buddy. Just like this puppy here!
Counting all the rolls in his tummy is a treat unto itself. This photo is bound to make anybody smile! Just a few minutes looking at this squishy ball of cuteness and you can’t help but grin for the rest of the day.
Mid-Day Nap
Sometimes, you just need a power nap between meetings. We can’t help but be envious of this white ball of fur, who has found peace right at the work table!
Sleeping on the job is something everybody has wanted to do. Not to mention, having this puppy lying right there is a great mood-lifter for the person at this workstation.
A Little Too Much Party
This dog looks like he has had a little too much fun at a party, and has found the perfect corner to pass out! Not only is the ledge big enough for him to be comfortable, but the view on the other side is absolutely gorgeous.
Being tiny does come with its own perks. This snoozing puppy is a guest nobody would mind inviting to any of their parties. Whether asleep or awake, this sweetness is the life of the part!
Half On, Half Off
Sometimes, you’re almost at the end of your goal and you give up because you just can’t anymore. This dog sleeping half on the couch and half on the table looks like the poster boy for that moment.
His posture and his positioning indicate that he was reaching for something on the table, and midway just decided that taking a nap is better than whatever he wanted to get.
A Visit to the Vet
Nobody likes going to the doctor. Not even cute little dogs. The treats that they get at the vet’s office aren’t enough to entice them into visiting the doctor whenever something is wrong.
This puppy here couldn’t stop his visit to the vet, but he sure found the perfect way to display his displeasure at being there. We bet even the vet thought his act was as adorable as we do.
Afternoon Nap
It seems that eating too much and passing out right in their food bowl is a recurring theme with puppies. Except this one didn’t even curl up all the way inside.
Instead, he just seems to have dropped right where he was eating, at the edge of the bowl. Not to mention, the bowl seems to be a little too big for the puppy, and he definitely would have struggled to have his meal!
In the Palm of the Hand
Cute little dogs are just too good to be true. They can barely stand on their two feet, they slip all the time, and they have the ability to fit right into the palm of your hands, where they promptly fall asleep.
This picture is perfectly timed! This little cutie is fast asleep in the hands of his owner, who saw one glimpse of this cutie and decided to adopt him from the litter.
Dancing With the Pigs
This photo was clicked by a photographer deep in the countryside. And it is proof that sometimes the cutest friendships are also the weirdest ones.
The three little pigs (yes, we see the irony in this) seem to be fast friends with these two puppies. However, the funniest part of this photo was as a user commented — it is a photo of a dish! Bacon-wrapped hot dogs!
Flying High
An airplane is usually white, streamlined, and has wings coming out of its body. This puppy is also white, streamlined, and has his limbs spread out similar to that of an airplane!
This position does not look comfortable from any angle, but the puppy seems to be enjoying his nap. Even his ears seem to have gotten the memo and are winged out just like a plane’s.
The more you look at this video, the weirder it gets. But the biggest question remains — how did this little guy get himself into this position?
This little puppy is all squished up between the couch, and when the owner found him in this extremely hilarious sleeping position, he quickly snapped a pic. A good guess would be that the puppy became a little too relaxed and slipped right into the crevice of the two cushions.
A Sleeping Emoji
One of the favorite emojis of people all around the world is the face with the tongue out. And it seems like we have ourselves the puppy equivalent of the absolutely adorable emoji.
This puppy, who seems to have the most gorgeous coloring too, is far into the land of the dreams. We’re also guessing that his dreams must be of the boney variety because his tongue is hanging out in anticipation.
A Cozy Day
We just can’t decide who looks fluffier in this photo — the dog or the bed he seems to be sleeping on. Just one look at this little puppy is enough to make you want to curl up under a blanket and take a nap.
Just look at how Croissant (yes, that is his actual name) is sleeping with his legs tucked inside the bed for some much-needed coziness and heat.
A Basket Case
Human babies need rest, and end up sleeping most of the day. Just like humans, even little puppies have more rest than grown dogs and hold the amazing ability to sleep wherever they can.
This little puppy found a perfectly well-shaped basket tub that can hold him in his entirety, while also giving him a little wiggle room to stretch. His little tongue and posture make him look like he’s a mascot for a little league team.
A Bed to Sleep on
In this photo, we can count not one or two but four puppies who didn’t make it all the way to the comfy bed to take their naps. Instead, the four furry animals have laid down their head right on the floor and dozed off.
Only one of them has managed to get even halfway to the bed. But even he seems to have given up halfway there. Honestly, they’re so fluffy that they almost make the floor look cozy to us.
A Growing Dog
People grow all varieties of fruits and flowers in pots in their gardens. But, this person seems to have grown an entire dog from one seed! Jokes aside, this is probably one of the more unusual places for a dog to fall asleep.
Not to mention, the dog’s neck doesn’t look like it’ll be thanking him tomorrow when he wakes up. Hopefully, somebody will be there to give him a massage when he wakes from his slumber.
Shop ’till You Drop
There are very few people who love shopping. Most of them are just along for the ride, holding bags, checking phones, and if you’re a dad, falling asleep in corners. Just like this puppy did, only his place looks cute and fun to be in.
Napping in a shopping cart and being wheeled around is a dream come true for a lot of people. Never has anybody had a more peaceful shopping experience.
One on Top of the Other
There is nothing cuter than a giant dog and a little dog cuddling together. Just look at this photo where this giant teddy bear of a dog is the bed for a puppy not even a quarter his size.
We wonder if they’re related in any way, or just two pets learning to navigate their owners’ lives together. Either way, this photo is a total bro-fest of dog love!
A Puppy in the Pants
A person relieving themselves deserves three things — their phone to play games on, a nice and clean space, and some privacy. What they definitely don’t need is their girlfriend’s dog climbing into their pants while they are completing their morning rituals.
This man’s girlfriend got a new puppy who promptly curled up in his pants and slept off while he was otherwise occupied. The only thing for him to do was to stare helplessly.
Bend It
Who says that the only people who can bend their bodies in all directions live in circuses? It turns out that some of these talented artists live right under our noses — our dogs!
This dog has twisted his body so thoroughly that it is difficult to understand what he’s going for. Now he can proudly write in his bio — flexible dog, amateur contortionist. We can’t wait to see what other poses he’ll come up with.
A Guard Dog
If you’re looking for a guard dog, look no further! We’ve found the most ferocious and protective of them all — this little munchkin who has decided that his weight is enough to hold back all the thieves and intruders.
Hopefully, his prowess and danger will never have to be tested against the real world. We really hope that nobody attempts to open that door as he’s sleeping so peacefully. It definitely is a funny position.
Pumpkin Chunkin
This little doggy might be bite-sized, but his belly is something that you can’t help but want to rub. This absolutely adorable puppy looks like he’s having the best sleep of his life with his serene and calm expression.
We wonder what his dreams consist of. Whether they’re made of bones or just his owner’s shoes? Either way, it’s definitely something to chew on because happiness is best found in food.
A Reader
This puppy is the start of a new generation of readers — they’re cute, they come in all shapes and sizes, and they often fall asleep right in the middle of their reading!
This is a position that a lot of us have found ourselves in over the years. Right in the middle of a long description, we often find ourselves watching that description play out in front of our eyes as we slip into sleep. Something similar seems to have happened with this puppy!
Caged Up
We all sprawl in our beds in different positions — some sleep on their stomach while some just decided hanging off the bed is the perfect way to sleep. This little doggo also utilized his sleeping area to try out a new position.
With his nose pressed to the bars and his mouth hanging half outside, he looks like he didn’t even string together a thought before deciding that this position was as good as any to just sleep in.
Open Wide
There is no doubt in the world that corgis are an adorable breed. These sweet little things have a way about them that is sure to melt even the coldest of hearts.
Just look at this puppy, who is sleeping without a care in the world. He’s spread out all over his owner’s lap, belaying a deep trust in his loving human parent. It’s hard to look at this picture without sighing in absolute wonder.
Too Big for the Bed
This dog’s name is Nande and once upon a time, sleeping below the coffee table was her favorite thing to do. However, she’s now too big for the space but it seems that it still remains her favorite place to laze in.
If her smashed-up face is any indication, this definitely isn’t a very comfortable position. But, we’ve all been guilty of holding on to childhood memorabilia, so Nande definitely gets a pass for this.
All Tied Up
Even after looking at this photo for a couple of minutes, it’s hard to decipher what exactly is going on here. The little legs, the paws, the torso — they all seem to be twisted up to form this adorable puppy.
Nothing feels as good as finding the perfect position to sleep in. So what if this puppy’s position is a little weird? As long as it brings him happiness and sleep, all is well and good.
Dressed Up for a Night In
Who doesn’t like a cute set of pajamas to sleep in? But, no matter how amazing our pajama sets get, we doubt it’ll come close to beating this absolutely adorable ball of fur.
With his little black and white top, he looks like he’ll fit in right at a dog party as well as he does on this bed. It’s hard to look away from this cuteness.
He Is All In
This puppy has decided to live life on the edge. After all, who else but a daredevil would decide that this is a good position to sleep in? He really is a shoe-in!
Not only is he sleeping in his owner’s shoe, but he also has his entire face stuffed inside it. We can’t even begin to imagine what must be going on with this poor little pup’s nostril. Hopefully, somebody rescued him from his smelly bed.
A Leg Up
So many days just go by lazing on the couch with your feet kicked up as you surf the TV. On some of those days, that lazing turns into a full-blown nap. When you wake up from that deep nap, you may even forget what day it is.
This little puppy looks to be in that exact zone — the sweet spot of sleep. A soft couch at the back, a leg up for comfort, and he’s set for the next two to three hours.
Too Many Cooks
Sometimes, you gotta get a little creative when you want to find a good place to sleep. When there are too many people in a house, you might have to sleep in unusual places just for the time being.
This enclosure is a good example of the same, wherein this puppy decided that instead of haggling for a space on the grass, he would make his bed away from everybody — right in the food bowl.
Puppy Down
This is another example of a dog party that has gone too wild, or just of a dog that has no control of his own body while sleeping. We might never know the truth of it, but this certainly is a hilarious photo of a sleeping dog.
While his start-off position looks to be a good one, it’s obvious he’s rolled over in his sleep and is now dangerously close to sliding all the way to the ground.
The Incredibles
Just like the Incredibles were a family of five taking the world by storm, this little group of five puppies looks ready to take the internet by storm.
With all the five squished together on the bench for some much-needed sleep, they make the perfect picture of sibling bonding. The one near the bench’s start is probably the eldest, since he seems to be carrying the weight of his remaining siblings, even in sleep!
A Stand-Up Performance
There are certain people who can fall asleep anywhere, even while standing up. The list includes little kids, people traveling in metros, and security guards. But, none of them could do it as well as this dog!
The puppy is sleeping standing up, and that in such an aesthetically pleasing manner. This puppy has made the impossible possible — he has made this frumpy look into a glamorous one.
Right Under the Master’s Chair
Some pups are so attached to their owners that they will follow them everywhere. Even while their humans are working, these adorable pets like to hang around in their general vicinity.
Right Under the Master’s ChairSometimes, they like to take a nap while they wait for their owners to get done for the day. This puppy has decided that the best place to wait out his human’s workday is right next to him, under his chair. Smart move boy!
Tired of Waiting
Who likes to wait for their names to be called at the doctor? It’s tiresome, and more often than not, we find ourselves dozing off while we wait our turn.
This puppy also followed the same technique, only his sleeping place is much, much better than ours. The dog, Beowulf, fell asleep on the desk at the vet’s while waiting for his appointment. The only question is who put him up there?
Self-Care Sunday
A self-care Sunday includes some TLC for your skin during the day, and for your eyes during the night. Having an eye mask can help your eyes relax and give you some much-needed peace.
This little puppy might not have had an eye mask, but he ensured that he went for the next best thing — Eeyore’s ears! Not only does the toy make a good eye mask, but it also seems to work great as a pillow.
Writing the Piece
This is a very dangerous place for a dog to sleep in. Not dangerous for the dog, but for their human! The puppy’s face is on the keyboard, pressing down on the keys and most probably ruining this person’s work.
But, he looks so happy and peaceful, and the owner did take this time out to take a snap, so probably the damage wasn’t all that bad.
Cats have a tendency to do strange things, like sleep just about anywhere, from boots and cacti to hard chairs and shoes. And thanks to the owners of these cats, we get to have a good laugh as we take you through a few pictures of funny cats sleeping in the weirdest positions. If you aren’t laughing by the end of these… Well, you will be, so let’s get started!